Dusting Off The Cob Webs
You know it has been a long time since your last update when you have to reset your password and blow off the cob webs...
I couldn't resist sharing this with the world (By world I mean my Mom and those that still have RSS feeds from this site).
Trek/VW's Xterra superstar, Brian Smith, can't ever pass up the opportunity to take his shirt off... Halloween is no exception.
In other news, I have to give a shout out to "Rad" Ross for continuing to be "Rad" and taking home of the largest animals I have ever seen.
I couldn't resist sharing this with the world (By world I mean my Mom and those that still have RSS feeds from this site).
Trek/VW's Xterra superstar, Brian Smith, can't ever pass up the opportunity to take his shirt off... Halloween is no exception.
In other news, I have to give a shout out to "Rad" Ross for continuing to be "Rad" and taking home of the largest animals I have ever seen.
man, its been a looooong time, huh? i have not left you.
hope life's good over there.
and ross, your animal looks a little tired. it doesn't look dead to me.
H, the israeli guy.
damnit RSS feed. I thought you were out of my life! :)
Nick has now learned that there's no such thing as vertical video. :)
Yo Nick, Haven't shouted at you for a while, but I picked up the new VN new product promo and saw Pro's Closet featured. Quite Awesome! One thing I did see was the Mesa State thing, did you go there after UW-W? Just wondering.. I should get Colorado soon for some riding.. Cat 2 now in CX and Cat 1 in mountain! Drop me a line and we'll catch up! Much Love.. Dave
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