Year of "your name here"

Well my Dad has proclaimed this year as the "Year of Pat". He has come out firing and on New Year's Day headed out into the Wisconsin tundra to break some ground in the right direction for '06.

Remember, it is not an adventure unless it takes at least a half hour to get dressed! Cheers to those who see past the dirty drive-trains, extra laundry, and salty roads and get outside to ride. I would prefer the dentist to the trainer any day!

My old man (a young 45), is partly responsible for my direction into cycling. He is the hardest working cat I know and has passed his active spirit down the family tree. May the New Year bring out the best in each of you! Breathe Deep...
Btw, tomorrow (Tuesday) @ 8 pm central time, The Travel Channel is having a story entitled "Made In America". The entire show is about the Trek Facilities and what goes down behind their doors... check it out!
Yea Pat! I too, a resident of the WI. tundra, was out on the bike enjoying the day. I commute every day to work just like I have since 1987. When the weather is s*#tty out people ask if I rode the bike to work? My answer "Every day is a good day to ride!" It shuts them up, but they still ask the same question almost every day and they get the same answer!
I will be out tommorrow too!
Jett Jones
So is the 1/2 hour of getting dressed for the bike ride, or for the ice fishing?
Ice fishing - now THERE'S an adventure!
Uncle Chrispy
PS To those of your from warm climates, that building in the background of the third picture is called an ice shanty. We drag them out onto the frozen lake and use them to keep our butts warm and conceal our brandy from the game wardens while staring into holes in the ice waiting for usually nothing to happen. Then we try to pull them back to land before the ice melts in March, thus avoiding a fine levied by the DNR. It's kind of like a sport. Sometimes, we even catch a fish.
The YEAR OF PAT. Ha. I can't wait to see your pops so I can do a little ripppppin!
Happy trails!
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