Ahhhhhhh My Brain Hurts!

Mark, the Kona Mechanic, shows the "other" side to the 24 hr race. (The race and the party!)
(Current) 7:20 AM The sun has come back out and we no longer have to deal with the frost and near freezing temps. I am going to make this short because I am cashed. My brain hurts, my body feels pretty good, and my stomach feels like poo. We just put in back to back 48 minute laps to re-take the lead by 4 minutes. The lead has switched hands now nearly 10 times and it is getting a little old. This is a 24 hr race, not a sprint race. It is looking like it is going to come down to the last lap?!
Fatigue is officially starting to set it and the clock has just struck 3:21 AM. No one has slept yet and lap times have slipped from 46 min. to about 50 min. We are currently chasing 3D/Tamarack by only 3 minutes and we have raced for 13 hrs!!! Tokyo Joes is back by about 35 minutes. I am envious of all you that can't read this because your sound asleep! I won't sleep till Sunday Night. I have so much respect for anyone who does one of these crazy races solo. Each one of you is a hero in my book!
Keep the rubber side down, its gonna get intense out there, I left at dawn (EST) for a 4+ hour road ride, couldn't wait to get back and see how ya'll are doing.
Good luck.
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