Nothing jump starts your motivation for next season better than being a spectator and seeing what the scene is like on the other side of the barriers. I actually went out a little hard on the cheering front and almost completely lost my voice. Next time I will know better and bring the mega-phone....
The culture of cross can be contagious. Not only is it the final hurrah of the cycling season but it is also one of the only cycling events besides downhill that could make money having a beer tent. And hey, I hear they don't card....
And the "Ah isn't that cute" award of the day goes out to
Whitey and his son Sid. I think I know what is going to be on the Debroux's Christmas cards this season.
Brian Fuentes continues to show us why is he the most stylish man in cycling since Cipollini retired.
He was actually showing off his new "Superman like" cross skillz he has recently mastered after practicing hours on end in his bathroom mirror. Mad props.
On a side note, make sure you drop by and wish him well from his
latest wreck down in Costa Rica while leading the La Ruta. In typical JB fashion he finished the stage....